Thursday, June 26, 2008


Summary: Add a keysafe and instant peace of mind
Cost: $25

Your precious house key. You ARE going to forget it, lose it, misplace it, lock it inside, lock it in your car or something worse. Face it - it is your unavoidable fate.

Maybe when it happens you had set up a firend with a key (Free) and you can contact them.
Maybe you can get ahold of a locksmith that can get there within a couple hours ($100).
Maybe you can break in with a bent credit card through that back window and only bend the screen and your back a little...
Maybe just isn't good enough.

Immediately go and get yourself a Supra Keysafe. They are $23 at my Home Depot store. They are $28 at Amazon.

At an average of one lockout per year - this is the best money (and friend) saving device you will buy.
These are rock solid, have a selectable combination, hold a couple keys or even folding money and you can give it to a concerned friend or neighbor over the phone. "Hey, I noticed water coming out from under your front door" - hopefully you'll never get that call but you can instantly give someone the door key to your house if you do.
You have all the benefit of giving friends a key but none of the worry since you can control who has the combination and entry to your place remotely. (You can also tuck a car key in there and you'll never be locked out of anywhere).

My highest recommendation for these SUPRA lock boxes which I have used on big house and tiny house for the last several years with no problems.

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