Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home Base

Summary: Having a very speicfic place for essentials reduces panic searches

Cost: Free

There is a single spot (no matter where I call home) that is my 'Home Base'.
Home Base is the place where all the essentials go. It is where I empty my pockets at the end of the day.

At home it holds, wallet, keys, cell phone every day. If I need anything else special it can go there too (tax forms that need to go out that day, etc). When I travel it has those essentials plus my conference badge, plane tickets, and hotel information.

If you have a designated home base you will dramatically reduce the time you spend looking for lost things.

Rules for making a home base:
  • It must be a flat surface
  • It must be 100% visible on the way out (visual reminder)
  • It must have space to hold all your essentials

Bonus points if:

  • It is near an outlet (easier to charge things and leave them in the home base)
  • It is free of other distracting clutter

Once you have established your home base - if you EVER need to take one of the essentials off of your person, you can use the One Hand system until you can get it to home base. If it bothers you to have your phone, or wallet, or keys on your person then you'll need a different system to manage them that works for you.

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