Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Leg Wrap

Summary: Use physical attachment to stop losing items
Cost: Free

Whenever you have a personal item that you can't near you leave in plain view all the time (like a laptop bag or backpack when you are at lunch), wrap the strap around your leg or put your ankle through the loop - so you can't leave the table without it. If you get up to use the restroom, you might want to take it with you.

You might trip yourself or jump along like a cartoon dog on a leash, but you won't forget your expensive laptop at the restaurant.

I also use my shoes as markers because I won't go off without them. If you have a shopping bag that won't loop comfortably - you could put your shoe under (or inside) it and then sit on your stocking foot. Any physical reminder that stops you from forgetting the item is worth considering.

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